Example use of the HTML Figure pager script

This page demonstrates a few uses of the HTML figure pager by plotting. View the source of this page to inspect the implementation.

The first few spherical harmonics

Orthographic projectsion of the spherical harmonics
Orthographic projection of the real part of the spherical harmonics (where the camera view is centered on 30°N, 150°W). The color scale is peak-normalized, so the relative mode-to-mode amplitudes are not comparable. The imaginary part is similar and differs by a relative azimuthal rotation.

A case with a long list of options

Orthographic projectsion of the spherical harmonics
Orthographic projection of the real part of the spherical harmonics (where the camera view is centered on 30°N, 150°W). The color scale is peak-normalized, so the relative mode-to-mode amplitudes are not comparable. The imaginary part is similar and differs by a relative azimuthal rotation.